Milk Quality Management

Milk Quality Management

What it is

Με τη Διαχείριση Ποιότητας Γάλακτος παρέχεται κάλυψη όλου του κυκλώματος του ποιοτιMilk Quality Management provides coverage of the entire quality control circuit, ensuring the correctness of the results, reducing the registration time and minimizing errors.κού ελέγχου, εξασφαλίζοντας την ορθότητα των αποτελεσμάτων την μείωση του χρόνου καταχώρησης και ελαχιστοποίηση των λαθών.


This is achieved through the integration of sampling in the milk collection process and the automation of the introduction of laboratory quality control results.
At the same time, the quality of the raw material is ensured and the requirements of the competent state bodies are met.

MCM.q : Milk Quality Management


  • Sample collection
  • Types of analyzes
  • Participation of analyzes
  • Automatic or not input analysis
  • Quality control reports

Database MCM.q

Raw material quality control is a critical parameter in the operation of a dairy industry. MCM integrates quality control throughout the milk management cycle, from receipt to payment to the supplier and the processing of raw milk. The functionality of quality control is based on the properties of milk as a natural substance and covers all the requirements of the competent state bodies (EL.G.O.D.).

Sampling and Quality Control

MCM covers the whole circuit of quality control starting from sampling, which is integrated in the process of milk collection, while supporting all categories of quality control tests (chemical, microbiological and organoleptic control).
A key advantage is the automation of the process of entering the results of laboratory quality control, which has the effect of effectively reducing the time of registrations, while minimizing errors.

Manual Entry

If one does not have the infrastructure of automatic registration, there is a possibility of manual selection based on receipts and with checks that ensure the accuracy of the data.
Quality control elements can be registered in any entity recorded in the MCM (producer, collection point, ice basin, itinerary, tank, compartment, etc.).

Quality Control Reports

The quality control reports summarize the results based on the accepted scientific method by type of test (weighted average, geometric mean), with particular emphasis on quantities of milk that are outside the acceptable quality standards for the processor.

Automatic creation of information letters

Finally, MCM offers the possibility of automatic creation of information letters to the producers but also to the competent state bodies, concerning the results of the quality control of the milk from the receipt of the processor and based on specific rules.

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